Motorcycle Accidents and New Riders

Fatal motorcycle accidents and new riders just seem to go together far too often. I don’t know about you, but as a long-time rider I always notice reports of motorcycle accidents in the paper when I read it each morning. (That and my mom still clips them out and sends them to me hoping I’ll stop riding. 23 years later you’d think she’d learn.)

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend the last few days: new riders dying in accidents involving high-speed and super bikes.

This morning’s paper contained a perfect example of what I’m talking about. A 24 year-old motorcyclist died yesterday on Sabre Springs Pkwy. He was traveling at high-speeds, estimated to be in excess of 100 mph, when he lost control, rode up the center median and hit a tree. According to the police, “[t]he impact disintegrates the motorcycle and the motorcyclist was thrown onto the pavement. He was pronounced dead at the scene.”

According to the police he had received his motorcycle learner’s permit 5 days prior to the accident. What was he riding? A 2007 Suzuki GSX-R1000.

Folks, if you’re just learning to ride, please learn on something with less power than a super bike. Get an SV650, a Ninja 250, a Harley Sportster, etc. Something that’s manageable while you learn to control the throttle and how to ride a motorcycle. And take the MSF course.


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